Avelino Jasso
Avelino has a family history of 5 generations living in South Texas. He graduated as a geologist and worked his entire career in the South Texas brush land doing uranium and oil exploration until he retired just after being laid off during an oil price slump in late 2015. With his love of the outdoors, Avelino began helping on local ranches and one day while returning home he encountered a newly installed sign. It said "This is real" and "Indigenous Peyote Conservation Initiative". Curiosity and memory of his grandpa, Jose Trevino Herrera who sold medicine to visiting tribe members from his little neighborhood grocery in Oilton, Texas during the 1950's and 60's, brought Avelino back to inquire about conservation efforts and he offered to help with tasks at the 605 ranch. Shortly afterward Avelino did some plumbing at the 605 showers and then was called in to aid in preparation for the Nov 2022 gathering and harvest. Avelino was then offered a groundskeeper position at the 605 and has been involved with up keeping the ranch and also with medicine plot assessment on local ranches that IPCI has leased for medicine conservation and stewardship. He has also been involved with acquisition of land with a natural medicine garden and with recent medicine rescue in an agricultural development area that destroyed over 100 acres of native brush. Avelino says y'all come on down to South Texas and experience the Real for yourself.